April 14th -
The last few weeks have been a spicy blend of interesting, enjoyable, and hellacious. Several people have washed out, making the schedules smellier than a frightened skunk. Many shifts now have other shifts interpolated into them; it's tough going, to be sure. The idea of a mere 60 hour week is laughable, and an 80 hour week hardly a stretch. We are pulling through and pulling it off, even as "baby season" begins to swing into force. Hospital room are now full of songbirds who require feeds at 15 minute increments, baby mammals ranging from barely two inches long to oh-my-god-why-is-he-still-here-scamper-free-little-fella sized, and our usual assortment of the sick and injured. The patient roster holds raptors and cottontails, bobcats and raccoons, snakes and songbirds and many more.
Meantime, I'm going to bed. We wrapped up the hospital impossibly early tonight - just after midnight - and I have a shift and a half in a few hours. Goodnight!
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