Sunday, May 4, 2014

Texas Update 9: Fun with Hotline Continues

There’s a wallaby on the loose in San Antonio. True story.

Next, a woman called in, admirably not panicking. She woke up with a big ol' juvi ‘possum sleeping next to her. He snuck in from the cold through a construction entrance, and thought her bed looked cozy!

Hotline wrapped up for the day, I transferred night phones to the hospital emergency line, and a friend and I went to pick up a fox in a box. Neither of us had had dinner, so we stopped on the road on the way to buy fresh kolaches. Arriving at the pickup site, we found a cardboard box perched on the edge of a sink, a heat pad plugged in underneath. The fox kit was so small, the people who brought him in thought he was a feline kitten. He did his level best to growl at us, fierce as a six inch long fox can be.

After we got back to the rescue, I still had 30 or so 5 gallon buckets from feed-out to scrub. And so, at 9 pm under a full sky of stars and rising tornado winds, I was out on a concrete slab with a hose, a jug of soap, and a huge stack of stained white buckets.

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